Gillespie Primary School
Gillespie Road, Highbury, London, N5 1LH
T: 020 7226 6840 E: EMAIL US
Gillespie Primary School | Gillespie’s Governors
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Gillespie’s Governors

Governors are volunteers made up of staff, parents and members of the local community.

These are our Governors & their register of interests.

The Governing Body can be contacted by email to, or through the school office.

Name Governor type & role Committees Term start date Term end date
Mark Owen Headteacher Learning, Finance & Safeguarding Permanent Permanent
Dan Hamilton Co-opted Governor


Science for Life Governor

Learning, Finance, pay panel & Safeguarding 04/03/2020 03/03/2024
Ashley Smith Co-opted Governor

Vice chair

Chair of pay panel

Finance & Safeguarding 20/10/2021 19/10/2025
Mandy Leatham Parent Governor

Chair of Learning Committee

Equalities Governor

Learning 03/03/2021  22/02/2025
Jodie Reed Parent Governor


Learning 23/02/2021 22/02/2025
Bhavini Doyle Parent Governor

Chair of Safeguarding

Safeguarding 03/03/2021  22/02/2025
Parent vacancy
Fin Craig Local Authority Governor

Pupil Premium Governor

Learning & Safeguarding 04/02/2022 01/03/2026
Shelley Wragg Staff Governor Learning 19/10/2022 18/10/2026

Katrina Moses, Deputy Headteacher attends Full Governing Body and Learning Committee meetings as Observer.

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