Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to the school to support disadvantaged pupils.
At Gillespie school we want all of our children to achieve to their full potential and strive to support pupils who come from more disadvantaged backgrounds to overcome economic and social challenges. The government provides the Pupil Premium which is an additional income to support the learning of children from poorer backgrounds as measured by the numbers eligible for Free School Meals. Looked after children and children of service personnel are also eligible for Pupil Premium.
We make use of educational research and our own data to fund interventions that raise attainment of disadvantaged pupils. We also use Pupil Premium funds to create opportunities to enrich pupils’ school life beyond the classroom. To see how we spend our Pupil Premium resources and evaluate the impact of the interventions please read our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Pupil Premium Policy
Our Pupil Premium policy explains the principles that inform our spending of this money.